
A Sumor Cloud Tool.
More Documentation A database connector for MySQL, etc. Based on entity.

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npm i @sumor/database --save


Node.JS version

Require Node.JS version 18.x or above

require Node.JS ES module

As this package is written in ES module, please change the following code in your package.json file:

  "type": "module"


installation database

You can use install method to install entity and view to database.

database.install(config, [resource path], [resource data])

case 1: install entity and view from resource path, it will load data/entity and data/view from project root path.

import database from '@sumor/database'

const config = {
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  password: 'password',
  database: 'database',
  port: 3306

await database.install(config.database, process.cwd() + '/data')

case 2: install entity and view from resource data, it will load data/entity and data/view from data object.

import database from '@sumor/database'

await database.install(config, {
  entity: {
    Car: {
      property: {
        brand: {
          type: 'string',
          length: 100
        model: {
          type: 'string',
          length: 100
  view: {}

General Usage

import database from '@sumor/database'

const config = {
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  password: 'password',
  database: 'database',
  port: 3306

// get client with connection pool
const client = await database.client(config)

// get connection
const db = await client.connect()

// set operate user

// create record
const car1Id = await db.insert('Car', {
  brand: 'BMW',
  model: 'X5'
const car2Id = await db.insert('Car', {
  brand: 'BMW',
  model: 'X6'

// read record
const car = await db.single('Car', { id: carId })
// car = {id: car1Id, brand: 'BMW', model: 'X5'}

// query records
const cars = await db.query('Car', {
  brand: 'BMW'
// cars = [{id: car1Id, brand: 'BMW', model: 'X5'}, {id: car2Id, brand: 'BMW', model: 'X6'}]

// count records
const count = await db.count('Car', {
  brand: 'BMW'
// count = 2

// update record
await db.update(
  { id: car1Id },
    brand: 'BMW',
    model: 'X5M'

// ensure record
await db.ensure('Car', ['brand'], {
  brand: 'BMW',
  model: 'X5C'
// will not insert record if brand is 'BMW' already exists

// modify record
await db.modify('Car', ['brand'], {
  brand: 'BMW',
  model: 'X5C'
// will update record model if brand is 'BMW' already exists

// delete record
await db.delete('Car', { id: car1Id })

// close connection
await db.commit()

// rollback
await db.rollback()

// close connection
await db.release()

// destroy client when server should be shutdown
await client.destroy()

Query Options

// query records with options
const cars = await
    brand: 'BMW'
    term: 'X5',
    termRange: ['model'],
    top: 10,
    skip: 0

Entity Definition Options


you can add index array to entity definition to create index on table, by default, it will create index on id field.


you can add join object to entity definition to create join on table. like below example, it will create userId field in Car entity.

import database from '@sumor/database'

const config = {
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  password: 'password',
  database: 'database',
  port: 3306

await database.install(config, {
  entity: {
    Car: {
      property: {
        brand: {
          type: 'string',
          length: 100
        model: {
          type: 'string',
          length: 100
      index: ['userId'],
      join: {
        user: 'User'
  view: {}