A Sumor Cloud Tool.
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A error handling library support multi-language, predefine error code and passing data.
npm i @sumor/error --save
Require Node.JS version 16.x or above
As this package is written in ES module,
please change the following code in your package.json
"type": "module"
import defineError from '@sumor/error'
const MyError = defineError({
name: 'MyError',
code: {
USER_NOT_FOUND: 'User not found',
USER_EXISTED: 'User {name} existed'
throw new MyError('USER_NOT_FOUND')
// output: Error: User not found
throw new MyError('USER_EXISTED', { name: 'Alice' })
// output: Error: User Alice existed
import defineError from '@sumor/error'
const MyError = defineError({
name: 'MyError',
language: 'en', // default language
code: {
USER_NOT_FOUND: 'User not found',
USER_EXISTED: 'User {name} existed'
i18n: {
zh: {
USER_NOT_FOUND: '用户未找到',
USER_EXISTED: '用户 {name} 已存在'
const error = new MyError('USER_EXISTED', { name: 'Alice' })
error.language = 'en' // change Error language
// output: Error: User Alice existed
error.language = 'zh' // change Error language
// output: Error: 用户 Alice 已存在
import defineError from '@sumor/error'
const MyError = defineError({
name: 'MyError',
code: {
USER_NOT_FOUND: 'User not found',
USER_EXISTED: 'User {name} existed'
const error = new MyError('USER_EXISTED', { name: 'Alice' })
// output: {"code":"USER_EXISTED","message":"User Alice existed"}
import defineError from '@sumor/error'
const MyError = defineError({
name: 'MyError',
code: {
FIELD_VERIFY_FAILED: 'Field verify failed',
FIELD_CANNOT_EMPTY: 'Field {name} cannot be empty',
FIELD_TOO_LONG: 'Field {name} is too long'
i18n: {
zh: {
FIELD_CANNOT_EMPTY: '字段 {name} 不能为空',
FIELD_TOO_LONG: '字段 {name} 过长'
const error = new MyError('FIELD_VERIFY_FAILED', {}, [
new MyError('FIELD_CANNOT_EMPTY', { name: 'username' }),
new MyError('FIELD_TOO_LONG', { name: 'password' })
"message":"Field verify failed",
"message":"Field username cannot be empty"
"message":"Field password is too long"
error.language = 'zh'
"message":"字段 username 不能为空"
"message":"字段 password 过长"
import defineError from '@sumor/error'
const MyError = defineError({
name: 'MyError',
code: {
FIELD_VERIFY_FAILED: 'Field verify failed',
FIELD_CANNOT_EMPTY: 'Field {name} cannot be empty',
FIELD_TOO_LONG: 'Field {name} is too long'
const error = new MyError('FIELD_VERIFY_FAILED', {}, [
new MyError('FIELD_CANNOT_EMPTY', { name: 'username' }),
new MyError('FIELD_TOO_LONG', { name: 'password' }),
new Error('Unknown Error')
"message":"Field verify failed",
"message":"Field username cannot be empty"
"message":"Field password is too long"
"message":"Unknown Error"